Muhammad Farhan Majid


2014-2019 Bachelor Degree in Informatics (Institut Teknologi Bandung)


Github | hanmajid
HackerRank | hanmajid

Working Experience
(Non-freelance) 🙂

Elevarm Fulltime
Dec 2022 - Now Flutter

At Elevarm, I work as frontend engineer, resposible for developing and maintaining multiple Elevarm products.

Bobobox Fulltime
May 2022 - Dec 2022 Android Kotlin Firebase

At Bobobox, I work as an Android mobile developer, resposible for developing and maintaining Bobobox Android app.

PT. LAPI Divusi Fulltime
Jan 2021 - Jan 2022 ReactJS Flutter Android Kotlin Firebase Laravel Golang

At Divusi, I worked in a team as both mobile and web developer, depending on the projects. Part-time
Mar 2021 - Jun 2021 Android Kotlin Apollo GraphQL

At Kargo, I worked in a team as part-time Android developer on two applications (Kargo Vendor and Mitra Kargo); adding new features and fixing bugs.

Radya Labs Internship
May 2017 - Aug 2017 Web ASP.NET MVC

At Radya Labs, I added new features and bug fixed Prospekta, a web application for managing projects' prospects.

Freelance Experience

Android Kotlin Firebase

Android application for collecting donation for social institutions.

Kredit Pensiun
Flutter Google MLKit Firebase Cloud Messaging

Mobile application that provides online loan for employees and retirees.

Flutter Firebase Analytics Firebase Crashlytics Firebase Remote Config

Mobile application that showcases LPiK ITB's activities and programs.

Sirekap 2020
Android Kotlin Firebase Analytics Firebase Crashlytics Android Jetpack

Android application for capturing, uploading, and verifying election forms used in Indonesia's 2020 regional elections (pilkada).

Android Kotlin

Android marketplace application for North Sulawesi's people.

Android Kotlin

Android application for collecting donation for social institutions.

Moro 3D
Unity Vuforia Android Java

Android application for taking pictures with AR-generated comic characters


Co-Creation on Research of Entrepreneurship (CoRE) LPiK ITB's website.


Upgraded LPiK ITB's website.

React.JS Material UI

Web application for managing LPiK startups' finance.

LPiK ITB Website
CodeIgniter jQuery MySQL

Adding new features and bug fixing LPiK ITB's website.

Graduation Theme Voting Web App
Web Laravel jQuery MySQL

Web application for choosing ITB's October 2018 graduation theme.

POD SKK Migas Web App
Angular 2 Node.JS MongoDB Express.JS

Web application for managing Plan of Development (POD) documents.

Budget monitoring app
Laravel jQuery MySQL

Web application for managing and tracking Koperasi Pertamina Geothermal Ulubelu's budget.

Personal Projects
See my Github for more projects 🙂

Android Kotlin Jetpack Compose

With Artemis you can easily edit the location data (EXIF metadata) in your photos.


Mylion is an app to browse the content of You can read the content you like, star it for offline reading, and enjoy the app in night/light mode.

Fanni & Farhan's Wedding

My wedding invitation.

ReactJS Firebase

A social media. (Pending)

Room 24
Web Game Javascript CSS

A modular library for making simple escape game using SVG+JS+CSS (v.0 Pending).

Javascript Web CSS

A library to embed simple fun phone in your browser (v.1.0.0).

Habit Note
Web Laravel jQuery MySQL

Starting a habit can be tough, especially when you're alone. With Habit Note, you can track your habit progress and share it with someone who can keep you accountable (v.1.2.1).

Congklak Online
ReactJS Web Game

Play Congklak online (v.1.1.0).

Chatbot LINE

Elsie helps you looking for information about books using Goodreads API (v.1.0.0).


Sistem Monitoring dan Evaluasi Platform Innovation Entrepreneurship System

IES (Innovation Entrepreneurship System) merupakan platform co-creation yang dikembangkan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Institut Teknologi Bandung (LPIK ITB) melalui sekretaris bidang kewirausahaan dan tim. IES dbangun sebagai virtual Innovation Park yang menghubungkan para pemangku kepentingan untuk memudahkan pengembangan ide serta memastikan terbangunnya co-creation antar pemangku kepentingan. Sistem Monitoring dan Evaluasi (MONEV) merupakan fitur pengembangan untuk mengakomodasi proses bisnis monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap pengelolaan inovasi secara praktis. Sistem MONEV dibangun dengan menilai aspek penggunaan dana dan realisasi luaran target berdasarkan kesepakatan awal program penelitian. User yang terlibat dalam sistem ini antara lain adalah Admin (Asisten Ahli bidang Inovasi atau Sekbid Inovasi) dan Reviewer (Komisi Inovasi, rekan sesama Inventor, Internal LPIK).